Tag: academia
Matrix Multiplication in Haskell
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m trying to learn Haskell. I’m not progressing super quickly because it’s not a terribly high priority, but it’s sort of fun to think about programming problems in a totally different way. While Haskell (being a functional language) definitely fits this niche, the book that I’m following does not…
Haskell and exercises
In fall 2011 I took a course that covered, among other things, proving program correctness with some software called Coq. There's a lot to it, and I won't go into that here, but one important part of Galina, the language used in Coq, that I had been unexposed to previously was functional programming. Functional programming…
Papers, papers… some more papers
So, looking at my blog, I realized I hadn’t ever actually made a post about finishing my thesis. I defended successfully at the end of November, made the committee’s corrections, and now have a final version of my master’s thesis. If you’d like, you can find a copy here. I’m continuing on at K-State, and…
Pretty-Printing XML with XSL
One of the things I really enjoy about my job is that as the only developer on my project (formerly known as λ, now officially named Kinerja), I get to tackle a bunch of different types of programming jobs. Working on the model checking core is pretty different from working on the web interface, and…
Cold Weather Grilling
Well, it’s officially winter break: it’s sleeting outside, I’m putting off wrapping gifts, and I’m at my parents house with very little to do. I had a pretty decent semester, and my one class (Advanced WWW Technologies) is now complete, so I can focus full time on my master’s work. In a sort of neat…
I reviewed a paper!
So, I just reviewed my first academic paper. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say about it (since it's both pre-release and not my own work) and I can't link to it, but I will say that it was fascinating. It also was one of those unique experiences where you know you'll be…