Tag: santos
Using a subset of AADL to define medical application architectures
Late last year (October-ish) I began working on a way to specify the software architecture of applications (apps) that run on medical application platforms (MAPs). The specification takes the form of a subset of the Architecture Analysis and Description Language (AADL) and some supporting tooling — namely a plugin for OSATE2 (an Eclipse distribution which…
A trip to New Orleans
As I mentioned in a previous post, I attended this years HIMMS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) exhibition and conference. I was there to help show / run our demo, and there was also time to do a little bit of exploring in New Orleans, which I hadn’t ever visited before. The show itself…
A trip to Boston
I recently made a trip to the MD PnP (medical device plug-and-play) lab in Boston, Massachusetts as part of my work at K-State (which involves coordinating medical devices). I had two main reasons for going: first, to work with a couple of our research partners in the lab on an upcoming demo, and second to…
Pretty-Printing XML with XSL
One of the things I really enjoy about my job is that as the only developer on my project (formerly known as λ, now officially named Kinerja), I get to tackle a bunch of different types of programming jobs. Working on the model checking core is pretty different from working on the web interface, and…
I reviewed a paper!
So, I just reviewed my first academic paper. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say about it (since it's both pre-release and not my own work) and I can't link to it, but I will say that it was fascinating. It also was one of those unique experiences where you know you'll be…
Custom symbols in LaTeX
I'm writing a report which will eventually become the introduction to my Master's thesis. It's on existing medical workflow technologies, including Little-JIL. I wrote the rough draft back in January, and am now hammering away on making the revisions my advisor suggested (try and ignore the several month turnaround :D). Little-JIL has a number of…