In the fall of 2015, I’m helping teach Kansas State’s CIS 505 / 705: (Introduction to) Programming Languages which focuses primarily on interpreter design and language paradigms. I’m responsible for the middle third of the course (15 classes over 5 weeks), which covers the functional paradigm using Standard ML.
My title for the course is “Lecturer,” and the professor responsible for the first and third sections is Dr. Torben Amtoft (who maintains the full course webpage).
- Introduction
- Basics
- Functions
- Lab 1 — Basics
- List Functions
- Minilab 1 — Map, Filter, and Fold
- Assignment 4 — RPN Calculator
- Recursion
- Data Types
- Minilab 2 — Recursion and Datatypes
- Tree Functions
- Exceptions
- Lab 2 — Counting Change
- Conclusions
- Exam — 505 Version, 705 Version
- Assignment 5 — Interpreter